June, 2011 Spending time with Nathan and Sam

During June, Ryan and Jonathan have the opportunity to go visit Turkey and Greece with Rose and John. Auntie Leigh has been kind enough to offer to stay with Nathan and Sam. We decide to postpone our cross-country trip and stay in town to give Leigh a break once in a while. The first time we stayed with the boys while Leigh went to Happy Hour at St. Stephen’s with Sarah, everything goes very smoothly. We read books and I bring mac and cheese from the blue box and strawberry shortcake made with whipped cream from a can. I think it is the first time they have seen whipped cream produced for those of us who don’t whip it themselves. Sam is a little skeptical but finally tastes it and agrees that it will do.

Zayde and Nathan are engrossed in a book about dragons.
Zayde reads "Go, Dog, Go" to Sam and Nathan.
Sam eyes the dessert suspiciously.
I guess it will do, Beeba.

One of the other times we go over is after the trauma of Nathan running around in the dark in his room and knocking out his front tooth. We get a very distressed phone call from Leigh needing reassurance that it is just a baby tooth and, as long as she has found it, there is no need to panic. This time we spend our time coloring and having pizza and popsicles.

Nathan minus one front tooth.
Popsicles are recommended medicine for tooth trauma.
Sam thinks it's a good idea too.
Coloring with Nathan. What color should I chose next?
Our finished masterpieces

Auntie Leigh did a fabulous job taking care of Nathan and Sam. They had a fun time together and Ryan and Jon had a great vacation. But the boys really missed them.

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