March 25, 2016 – Prato, Pescia

Although the staff here at the hotel have warned us that we probably won’t like Prato, we go anyway. We find it delightful. Since it is Good Friday there are a lot of religious goings-on so we have to carefully plan our itinerary so as to be respectful. Our first stop is at the Museum of the Cathedral since a service is being held in the church.

Duomo San Stefano, Prato
Duomo San Stefano, Prato
Annunciation - 1320, School of Giotto
Annunciation – 1320, School of Giotto (Museo dell’Opera)
Mary gives her girdle to St. Thomas
Mary gives her girdle to St. Thomas, from duomo interior altarpiece (Museo dell’Opera)
Girdle is given to the duomo in Prato (panel from outdoor pulpit)
Girdle is given to the duomo in Prato (panel from outdoor pulpit) (Museo dell’Opera)
Donatello original work for outside pulpit now in the museum
Donatello original work for outside pulpit now in the museum
Unusual outdoor pulpit
Unusual outdoor pulpit
Frescoes in the museum of original artwork showing St. Stephen to the left of the BVM with rocks on his head and the panel next to that the manner of his martyrdom
Frescoes in the museum of original artwork showing St. Stephen to the left of the BVM with rocks on his head and the panel next to that the manner of his martyrdom

And now that the mass is over, we take a look inside the duomo dedicated to St. Stephen.

Frescoed altar area of the duomo
Frescoed altar area of the duomo
John taking a picture of the Lippi frescoes
John taking a picture of the Lippi frescoes while Sarah uses binoculars for a closer look
Lippi frescoes were in made between 1452 and 1465. This one is the presentation of St. John the Baptist's head
Lippi frescoes were in made between 1452 and 1465. This one is the presentation of St. John the Baptist’s head

Leaving the duomo, we stop at the Church of San Francesco where we see this amazing painting from 1235. Painted by Berlinghiere, it is the first depiction of St. Francis completed only nine years after his death.

From the Church of San Francesco a painting done in 1235- the first painting done of St. Francis only nine years after his death
From the Church of San Francesco a painting done in 1235- the first painting done of St. Francis only nine years after his death

We stop at one more church but unfortunately they have redecorated and there is nothing left from the early days of the church. It’s time for lunch. We decide on a small place that we’ve seen in our walk around the city, Il Barrique. The lunch, except for the wonderful crostini di fegato (chicken liver on toast), is meh.

After lunch we head back to the hotel for a little siesta while most of the sites we want to see are closed as well. We head out again around 3 PM to the nearby town of Pescia where we see…


...the tiny church of St. Anthony the Abbot with...
…the tiny church of St. Anthony the Abbot with…
...a small frescoed chapel from the 1300's
…a small frescoed chapel from the 1300’s

We are too full to eat dinner so John picks up a sandwich and chips for us to share. Sarah decides to skip dinner entirely.

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