Do you worry about your health? I do. In my mind, I blow every little ache and pain into life-threatening diseases. I try not to burden those around me with this but, I would say that after worrying about children, it’s next in line. Of course, I know this is bad because worrying raises your stress level and so leaves you more prone to disease. This is a kind of no-win situation.

A magazine I get, “Vegetarian Times” (thank you for the subscription, Sarah) has listed seven super foods that can help one stay healthy and mentally acute. These are spinach, blueberries, tea, broccoli, tomatoes, soy and oats. Runners-up include olive oil, onions, garlic, walnuts, avocados and oranges. Of course, the amounts that they suggest eating would preclude having enough room to stuff anything else in. I also heard that curry is good for you, too. So my resolution #2 is to try to include these foods in my diet. To this end, we have already had a chickpea and tofu curry sauteed in olive oil with garlic, onions, carrots and cauliflower. It was quite good especially if you put in enough salt and tabasco.


In my years of working for Weight Watchers, we were given many tips to pass on to the members to help in their struggles. Things like drink wine spritzers instead of the real thing. How many people actually ever did that? Not me for sure. Most of the things that I am passing along are more what real people do in food laden situations.

Last night we went to a lovely party that was catered and had many yummy things to eat. I picked a table as far away from the food as possible. After getting the initial plateful, it was just too difficult to get back to the serving area.

Today’s tip? Don’t stand or sit next to the food at a party. There is no reason to make eating moderately more difficult than it has to be.


I had trouble with the Saturday “New York Times” crossword. I had to consult John to solve the northeast corner. This is a heinous crime in my book, worse than looking stuff up in the crossword puzzle dictionary but maybe not as bad as using the internet. Now, I am struggling with the Sunday puzzle. Obviously, I need more super foods. Or perhaps I need to keep an atlas in the bathroom so I could become more familiar with the lakes and rivers of Asia.

Here’s a word that John knew that I did not.

abri – a rock shelter formed by an overhang.

So I guess the next time we are hiking in Utah and the weather looks threatening, I’ll say, “Quick, let’s find an abri and stay out of this bad weather.” Sure I will.

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