Why do we lose touch with people? Or why don’t we work harder at staying in touch? It is so easy to communicate these days. There’s instant messaging, email, telephone and letters. My cost per minute to make a long distance phone call is less than $.03. That means I could talk to a friend every week for a half an hour and it would only cost $.90. Is it just that we are lazy? Or do we sometimes let too much time go by and then it seems either monumental to catch up on all the details or too embarrassing because it’s been so long? I just spent a week with my dear friend Sophie. We really haven’t had much time to visit over the past few years. It was so lovely to be with her again. We spent time with our other good friend, Eileen. It makes me truly value these friends who know me so well and with whom I have so much shared history. From now on, I will do better at keeping in touch.

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