Today I’ve been to Nephi, Lehi and have just connected using Wi-fi.  There must be a limerick in there somewhere but I am too tired to figure it out right now.

The trip gets off to a rousing start. We leave about 9 AM and stopped at an overlook to take a picture of St. George. Uh oh, camera doesn’t work.  Battery is dead even though I just charged it yesterday. So, although there were supposed to be myriad pictures adorning this first post, it’s just going to be text.  ( I think I did something wrong yesterday.  Tonight after charging the battery again, it seems to be working.)

Today’s venture encompasses about 280 miles, one of the longer daily mileages of the trip. Around lunchtime we pull off in Fillmore, UT.  Fillmore is named after President Millard Fillmore.  Apparently Fillmore appointed Brigham Young governor of the newly established Utah Territory and, Young, trying to suck up, named the first territorial capitol, Fillmore, and the county that it’s in Millard.  This didn’t work so well since it took another 40 years for Utah to become a state, the whole polygamy thing didn’t set so well with Washington, you know.

Anyway, they partially built a territorial capitol building in Fillmore which they used for one year.  It has a park around it and we decide to have our picnic there. It’s quite pretty with rose gardens, picnic venues and the capitol where you can take a self-guided tour.

One of our goals on this trip is to be friendly. John and I are not very outgoing so it takes some effort to do this. There are these older women setting up for a picnic lunch shortly after we get there. So I talk to them. They are from a Red Hat Club. (Don’t get me going about Red Hat Clubs. It is an oxymoron that women form a club so they can all be individualistic together.)  The trouble with talking with people is that sometimes they don’t want to stop talking to you.  As we back away towards the restrooms, one of the women is still talking.

We get to the Lehi Best Western Timpanogos Inn around 3.  It’s okay. Sheets and bed are comfortable. We are on the second floor with no elevator so there is a lot of schlepping. After we get all our stuff upstairs, we promptly take a nap.  Good times!

We eat at McGrath’s Seafood House for dinner. I ask for scallops rare and they are actually rare.  Yay! We talked to a guy who was there checking out jet engine repair. He went to MIT and was there at the same time as John.  Small world.

Tomorrow we are off to the copper mine and the dinosaur museum. We are having fun!

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