Only one more day to go!

Monday John and I boarded the T (with a Charlie Pass – remember “Did he ever return? No, he never returned and his fate is still unlearned. He may ride forever ‘neath the streets of Boston, he’s the man who never returned.”) for a trip to Boston’s Museum of Fine Arts.  We were especially interested in their current exhibition showing works by Edward Hopper.  There was an excellent audio guide which we used for the exhibit and for the regular collection. But after three hours on our feet we were ready to get back to the hotel and get ready for dinner.

Picture below is Nighthawks by Edward Hopper.

Nighthawks by Edward Hopper
Nighthawks by Edward Hopper

On Monday evening we went to dinner at Aujourd’hui in the Four Seasons Hotel. John had called earlier to make a reservation and to arrange for some special surprises. When we got there the champagne that he had picked out, Perrier Jouet, was waiting. It was wonderful! We told the waiter our story of coming all the way cross country to celebrate our anniversary. He loved it and we were treated to all sorts of special delights the rest of the evening.

We decided to order three courses plus dessert and have the sommelier pair wines. Of course, we ended up getting way more. First came a cucumber juice, chorizo and jalapeno shooter. Next tuna tartare on a base of diced watermelon with an avocado sauce paired with a Cotes de Provence Rose. Then, actually something we had ordered, seared foie gras in white nectarine soup with candied angelica paired with a Bordeaux sauterne. Next we had an elephant garlic veloute with escargot and lovage paired with a Loire sancerre. Our main course was butter poached lobster, veal sweetbreads, asparagus and crisp hominy. We had a burgundy with this from Volnay, a little town in France where John and I had stood with a French vintner in her little cellar with vintages dating back to WWI. Just when we might have exploded they brought over some candies and an Uruguayan port that we just had to try. Yum. Finally a Happy Anniversary dessert plate, mine’s in the picture with an ice wine. John had an apple dessert with grappa.

It was an outstanding meal . We were treated like royalty. All our negative experiences from the day before were totally wiped out.

Aujourd'hui dessert
Aujourd’hui dessert


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