June 27, 2011 Hiking up Pleasanton Ridge

In an effort to vary our exercise a little and to get in shape for our upcoming vacation, John and I decide to take a hike up Pleasanton ridge. The gain up the ridge is about 700 feet. I know that doesn’t sound like much but it quite steep in areas and we have not hiked lately.

The park entrance
A beautiful thistle

Up, up, we trudge stopping frequently to take pictures of flowers, enjoy the view, and have a sip of water. Actually we are just trying to look casual as we catch our breath.

Only half way!?
The pause that refreshes

At last we reach the top! Now we’ll just hike over to that bench that we remember as being much closer than it actually is. After sitting a spell, we start the long hike back. Downhill seems harder than uphill. In all I think we hiked between 5 and 6 miles. We are sore for several days but are feeling good that we managed it.

Hurrah, we are at the top!
Our goal with Mt. Diablo in the background
The view of Pleasanton from the bench

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