July 21, 2011 Durango, CO

We get up early today to play tennis. When I worked for Weight Watchers, I had five rules for going on vacation and maintaining weight loss. One was to get some exercise every day. So we are exercising. The tennis balls that we brought along are for playing at sea level. Durango is not at sea level. It’s at 6500 feet. So here we are playing with balls that are flying all over the place on a fast court. Not a scenario for a good game. But we have fun nonetheless.

Playing tennis while Clark and Lewis cheer us on

Then we go back to the hotel for some computing time and to do the laundry. Yay, we have clean clothes!
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Hurrah for clean clothes!

(Obviously today was a somewhat slow day since I am posting pictures of our laundry.)

Later we go into downtown Durango for lunch. We eat at the Palace Restaurant which is next to the train station. On our prior trip here, we came down to the bar at the Palace, The Quiet Lady Tavern, for a drink, while Sarah and Jon amused themselves at the hotel. Ah, memories. John orders trout since he has been craving a local fish and I have a vegetarian wrap. We are both pleased with our lunch. Afterwards we walk around the old train station where the steam locomotives still make the run back and forth to Silverton for tourists.

Mary at lunch at the Palace Restaurant

John with Clark and Lewis in front of the train depot

Mary in front of the Quiet Lady Tavern

Durango is a great 19th century town which has much preserved architecture. We stop at the Visitor’s Center and get two walking tours of Durango. John likes to call this pursuit urban archeology. Our walking tours cover the commercial district and a street full of beautiful homes.
The Strater Hotel

A beautiful double porched Queen Anne style house on 3rd Avenue

Since I am not feeling well, we head back to the hotel. John makes the other half of the pasta for dinner and we have a quiet evening. On to Antonito, CO tomorrow.

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