Habitot Museum

Originally uploaded by marymompics

Today Nathan, his mom and I went to Berkeley’s Habitot Children’s Museum. I think the trains were his favorite thing to play with. There were lots of kids there in various stages of cooperative (or non-cooperative) play. There’s also tables of goop to form, water to splash about in, grocery store pretend, and big building blocks.

Nathan’s taking a nap now and Ryan is out exploring her new house. John’s at work. I am sole babysitter. I have the trusty baby monitor next to me for when he wakes up. I am looking forward to an afternoon of reading books, playing blocks and making snacks. Nathan isn’t always so sure he wants to play with his Beeba – Zayde seems like so much more fun. Maybe John is especially loved for being the inventor of spatula ball and for not being the one who changes diapers. I am hoping our one on one time will go well.

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