August 9 – 14, 2011 Grasonville, MD

We are at Peg and Ted’s all week. It is great to be with them and also to have a break from being on the go all the time. We will be sad to leave on the 15th.

Some of the things we have done this week are:
*A big birthday party for Peggy’s 66th birthday.
We make lots of hors d’oeuvres and have wine and drinks. Lots of her friends come to the party. Peggy is a very fun and sociable person and makes friends easily. (Unlike her sister.)

Warming up for the party

Each candle represents 11 years!

Group shot!

*Jazz concert
Peg gets tickets for Grammy nominated Oran Etkin. He is an Israeli woodwindist and plays in a combo with a bass and two guys from Mali who play traditional instruments. So the music is kind of a fusion of Jewish and African music. We really enjoy it.
Before the concert

Peg and Ted in their front yard

*At the marina pool
Casting all inhibitions aside, I actually wear a bathing suit in public. Peg and I drift around on noodles in the pool. It’s a beautiful day and even Clark and Lewis enjoy the sun.
John at the pool with Clark and Lewis

*Queen Anne’s County Fair
Peg has a quilt in the competition at the fair so we go over to see whether she has won a ribbon. This is her first time exhibiting any of her work so she is fairly pessimistic. But, yay! Peg takes third place in her division and wins a check for $3.00! Her quilt is quite contemporary with a musical theme. She calls it “All That Jazz.” We also see some bull riding and the infamous goat house where a goat sneaks up while I am petting another goat and bites me in the ass. Luckily the bite turns out to be just a pinch bruise and I will not catch hoof and mouth disease.
Bad goat!

Peg's ribbon at the fair

In addition to all these things, we also go shopping, play tennis, fix yummy dinners using really good corn and tomatoes, and, of course, do a lot of sisterly talking. But we can’t let the grass grow too long under our feet and we are off tomorrow to seek new adventures! Many, many thanks to Peg and Ted for a fabulous week on the Eastern Shore.

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